Most annoying was evil son's unexplained transformation from a terror to a wimp, or mom's change into a vindictive spouse. So obviously and early do we understand Dad is to receive his come-up-pence that we really don't care when it happens. He has lost his wife, son, and the money, but he still has his Nobel Prize and the professor position. How did they know about each other? My favorites, though, are Eliza Dushku as the love interest and Danny DeVito as the obsessive-compulsive. I've never seen such bad exposition. As usual Rickman and Devito and Pullman turn in very professional work and Steenburger is such a delight I kept wondering why don't we see more of her. It feels as though the people were created first and then the story second, letting the puzzle pieces fall into place.
This simply bad move making. It could have easily achieved that goal were director Randall Miller contemplative enough to understand the effects of the audiovisual medium of film. It's just lazy writing it really insults the intelligence of the viewer. Barkley and his mother, Sarah, a renowned forensic psychiatrist, now have the ill-fortune of living with a man-eating monster whose philandering ways have gotten less and less discrete. Then after doing everything that they can do to make you think this, they reveal that the son is in on it. They way that they did this, as it really, really was shown in the movie, is that the accomplice set up a distraction and then slapped some sort of gadget onto the underneath of the car when no one was looking.
And before it finishes that sense of farce goes walk abouts as it returns to deliver drama. Take any old kidnapping plot where the victim becomes a part of the plan and double-crossing soon takes over upon completion; erase a few adjectives and verbs; and Mad Libs in the blanks to freshen it up. It is a very mixed bag of styles, almost confused as to what it wants to be and most annoyingly could have been a noble effort if it focused on being one or the other not both. His son, Barkley , misses the flight. It amusingly twists and turns throwing up red herrings along the way but it ends up convoluted, comical and overly stylized when all it really needed to achieve was be thrilling. The film is a freight train that picks up speed and never stops going. After verbally abusing his wife, son, colleagues, and nominal girlfriend, he heads off to Sweden with his wife, Sarah , to collect his award.
It's always hard to single anyone out in such an amazing ensemble cast. But he manages to play the buffoon as only a legend can. I don't like movies that clearly are put together so as to convince me of one thing and then turn around and change things. I found myself checking the time, waiting for the end, wishing I left earlier. Combining lighthearted romp with details of chemistry and forensics, cannibalism,and kidnapping. He's struggling to finish his PhD thesis when his father, the learned Eli Michaelson, wins the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. It's a bit convoluted and Miller enjoys throwing in chemistry jargon throughout to impress us, whether what is spoken about molecules is even true, don't ask me, I kind of zoned during those passages.
I think that the closest cousin I can manage to cull from memory would be the great, underrated gem Suicide Kings from a few years back. This is a pathetic cliché that goes back to espionage type movies, so why is it here? Needless to say, Eli refuses to pay it and so starts a venomous tale of familial dysfunction, lust, betrayal and ultimately revenge. Tagline: Keep your eyes on the prize. But there where parts of the movie that were so not needed and for a lack of a better word, retarded. Let the madness and mayhem begin. Eli Michaelson Alan Rickman who is a major physicist of sorts and a college professor, who is an unbearable man that everyone around him loathes, who cheats on his wife with college women, and who begins the film by being informed that he is being awarded the Nobel Prize for his work which is never spelled out that coherently and which adds nothing to the narrative anyway. Professor Eli Michaelson Alan Rickman is about to win the Nobel Prize.
We do not host or upload any video, films, media files avi, mov, flv, mpg, mpeg, divx, dvd rip, mp3, mp4, torrent, ipod, psp , SockShare is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of other linked sites. Again, the story is pretty airtight and coherent, besides some logistical questions like putting a working car together in that short of time by one man, putting a car in an above the garage apartment, I think you have to look the other way on this one , and just the sheer amount of photos and documents that are readily available to prove guilt. So I said what the hey? Barkley and his mother, Sarah, a renowned forensic psychiatrist, homepage now have the ill-fortune of living with a man-eating monster whose philandering ways have gotten less and less discrete. If you do see it for yourself, hopefully you can figure out why Ted Dansen and Danny DeVito were in it. Add Mary Steenburgen, Shawn Hatosy Outside Providence, The Cooler , Danny Devito and Ted Dansen, and you have an odd, but talented cast to deliver your odd, but entertaining film.
Sure Alan Rickman does his usual smarmy best as the aging lothario professor with an ego that cannot be measured and Mary Steenburgen plays the cerebral analyst, always looking and deciphering things before the cops on the case can, but that kind of stuff is expected. The Michaelsons are one messed up family that deserves the chaos, but revenge is always served best cold, I guess. I hope Randall Miller continues his run of good movies after Bottle Shock and Nobel Son, I'm left wanting more! And maybe it really is more vicious to devour a man while he is still alive then dead. But I'm afraid that all I got was a jumbled mess that never really accomplished anything. Truly the unsung hero, underdog, and most underrated film of the year. Something about the mixture of violence, thrills, and comedy just make a perfect amalgam of cinema to entertain my slightly off-kilter sensibilities.
I wanted to leave, but having paid for the ticket, I sat through the rest of it, and it only got worse. Is it perfect, of course not. Can't wait to see it in theaters again when it comes out. When I saw that the film Nobel Son was opening up at the local theatre, I vaguely recalled that the trailer seemed interesting and the cast recognizable. The kidnapped son ends up proving to his assailant that he'd love to get back at his father any way he can, and the two hatch an elaborate plan, involving the full reconstruction of a car within two hours, to steal the money clean and not let anyone get hurt besides an innocent man soon to be without a thumb. The music, although i'm truly into all sorts of electronic music, is extremely annoying, not necessarily because of its quality that is a matter of personal taste but because of its exaggerated presence and inadequacy i truly had the sensation of watching a movie with my kids playing the radio too loud next door several times during projection. It was a fantastic movie of ups and downs and twists and turns, that kept me guessing.
The Michaelsons are one messed up family that deserves the chaos, but revenge is always served best cold, I guess. Needless to say, Eli refuses to pay it and so starts a venomous tale of familial dysfunction, lust, betrayal and ultimately revenge. I admit that I love dark comedies. Clumsy plot twists, inappropriate editing and music selection won't phase your iron-trap of a mind. He's struggling to finish his PhD thesis when his father, the learned Eli Michaelson, wins the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.